Assessment of the phytochemical combination Breast Safeguard (BSG) and Docetaxcel toxicity on liver cancer and normal cell lines

Document Type : Original Article


Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt


Phytochemicals are natural products which are chemically extracted from nature resources (such as fruits and vegetables). The natural excistance of phytochemicals together with their potential potency attracted the attention of the scientific community as a promising therapeutic candidate for cancers. Regardless its down sides, chemotherapy remains the main therapeutic stream in combination with other treatments. In the present study, breast safeguard (BSG) and Docetaxel (DOC.), phytochemical and drug under study, were applied in a dose dependent manner on two different types of cell lines (HepG2 and HFs). MTT assay was used to evaluate the impact of BSG and DOC. at two time points (Day 2 and Day 4). The data revealed that the lowest dose of BSG were safe on HFs cells, while had antiproliferative effect on HepG2 cells, however the combination of DOC. with BSG manifested more inhibitory effect on HepG2 compared to a single treatment of DOC.