Petrophysical evaluation of the Messinian Abu Madi Formation in Salma delta gas field, northeastern onshore Nile Delta, Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt


The clastic sediments of the Abu Madi Formation host the main gas
bearing reservoirs in the Nile Delta, Egypt. The current study integrates seismic and
well logging analysis in order to shed light on the Abu Madi formation in Salma
delta gas field which locates outside the Abu Madi main canyon. In the study area,
Abu Madi Formation consists of sandstones, siltstones and shales which infill the
subaerial channels of the low-stand canyons incised during the Messinian salinity
crisis (MSC). The pay zone sandstones are thicker on the channel margins and on
the upthrown parts of the faults, whereas the sandstones in the downthrown regions
are often saturated with water despite their high porosity and low contents of clays.
Therefore, Salma delta-1 and Salma delta-2 wells drilled on the channel margins are
the best productive wells. The pay zone sandstones are characterized by dominantly
quartzose composition with low clay (< 30%) and carbonate cement contents. The
clays are often present in laminated forms, and therefore have minimal impact on
porosity. The current study reveals that the best productive intervals of Abu Madi
sandstones are preferentially accumulated on the channel margins and on the up < br />thrown side of the main faults
