Physiological consequence of sleep deprivation on healthy volunteers

Document Type : Original Article


Mansours University, Faculty of Science, Zoology Department


In most biological processes in the human body, sufficient sleep time and
length during the night is very critical while, the opposite is associated with adverse
physical health issues. Forty volunteers 25-35 years old were chosen for
participation in this study, 20 has normal sleep at night and 20 exposed to sleep < br />deprivation either voluntary or involuntary, for at least 2 months. Sleep deprived
group showed decline in RBCs, Hb, Ht% incorporated with increase in total WBCs
and most of their subpopulations especially lymphocytes and neutrophils, glucose
concentration, glycated hemoglobin, ghrelin, ACTH, cortisol, melatonin levels,
total lipids and triacylglycerol in association with significant decline in leptin and
insulin levels. Regarding antioxidant parameters and oxidative stress markers, SOD
activity and GSH level declined but, CAT activity, MDA and PC significantly
exceeded. Regarding CD4 and CD8 %, they were significantly raised in sleep < br />deprived group. In conclusion, it seems that, sleep deprivation adversely affects
metabolic processes, reduces antioxidant status and declines immune system,
meanwhile, sleep aid for recuperation from most disease status, improve immune
system and restore body activity
